In the ground-breaking book Emotional Intelligence, 1995 it was stated that 90% of the difference between star performers and average performers in the workplace was related to EQ. The role of emotions in conflict resolution, collaboration, innovation and other key successful cultural attributes in companies is also well documented. In 2009, a study found that 65% of employees receive no positive recognition at work (EQMentor Inc.)*. This inaction on the part of leadership causes employees to disengage, become discontent, and not work to their full potential.

There is more to business than the bottom line. To keep employees engaged and productivity high, employers must look at the additional benefits of the work environment.

Can my employees work together well despite competing priorities and ideas? Can my employees show more compassion towards each other, customers, and partners to resolve never-ending business challenges? Do my employees feel valued? Do we have a culture that nurtures happiness or positivity? How can I maximize the potential of my workforce? The answers to these questions are not always solved by way of a higher paycheck.

With respect to the earlier mentioned 65%, what could make the difference between a disgruntled, low-performing workforce and one that is high-performing, balanced, and productive? The answer is EQ. In the previous paragraph, we talked about the negative financial impact of low EQ, but the potential positive impact is even more compelling*.

Doing business in the new economy will require leaders and teams to focus on developing new competencies. It is impossible to build new ways of operating by relying on the old ways of doing business. The competency that will lie at the heart of the new organization is Emotional Intelligence (EQ). Emotions drive everything we do. Emotions govern the thoughts we have, which leads to behaviors we exhibit, which leads to a specific action that can determine the difference between an average solution and a great one. While you may have been hired for your skills, in the heat of conflict they become much less important than possessing a higher level of emotional intelligence. Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is a foundational quality that can impact our ability to use our skills or talents to be effective in different situations.

A relatively new concept, Emotional Intelligence (EQ) refers to personal characteristics and social abilities that are closely tied to success in both our professional and personal lives. EQ is a measure of our emotional intelligence that indicates how well we are able to manage our emotions and impact our relationships with others. This measurement ties to our seven basic emotions: joy, surprise, sadness, fear, contempt, anger, and disgust. The biggest impact on our EQ changes. A growing body of research has demonstrated that EQ accounts for up to 80% of the variance in differentiating star performers from their peers*. That means that given a baseline of equal intellectual ability and technical skill, EQ identifies who will stand out from the rest.

As relevant as EQ is to today’s organizations, it will be all the more important in the ultra-collaborative environments which we now live in. Collaboration has to yield innovative solutions which often requires a human being, replete with their emotional condition, to process both the emotional and intellectual signals inherent in the discussion. Emotional competence is essential in environments requiring people to deal with constantly changing emotional temperatures of people and situation, of roles and the pressure to invent new ways of getting things done. Imagine people working at home, sharing positions, moving from project to project. The ability to manage relationships becomes even more critical than it is today.

Our Emotional Quotient Assessment looks at the 5 critical elements of Emotional Intelligence:

  • How Well You Know Your Emotions
  • How Well You Manage Your Emotions
  • How Effective You Are At Motivating Yourself
  • How Effective You Are At Recognizing and Understanding Other People’s Emotions
  • How Effective You Are At Managing/Influencing the Emotions Of Others

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