The Problem
Approximately 80% of performance is determined by how we think and feel. In high performance environments, team member’s emotions, energy and engagement can be like a roller coaster. One minute they are feeling good, filled with energy, fully engaged and the next minute they can be barely hanging on and praying for the work day to end. Average teams have 1 disengaged team member for every 2 engaged team members. This ratio can be a huge drag on a team.
The Solution
This training is an energizing and experiential exercise in how to first optimize your emotions, energy and engagement. Everything starts with you. You are the thermometer for how your team thinks and feels. Once you have optimized yourself you will learn how to exert a powerful influence on your team’s emotions, energy and engagement. World Class Teams have almost 10 engaged team members for 1 disengaged team member. This is a 10x advantage over average teams!
Become An Expert
The Be Your Team’s CEO Training will make you an expert in 3 critical areas:
- How To Be Your Team’s Chief Emotional Officer
- How To Be Your Team’s Chief Energy Officer
- How To Be Your Team’s Chief Engagement Officer
You'll learn to
- Eliminate Your Disempowering Thoughts, Emotions, and Beliefs
- Prime Yourself to Have Powerful Thoughts, Emotions, and Energy Throughout the Day
- Develop Your Peak Performance Ritual
- Quickly Diagnose Your Team’s Emotional, Energetic and Engagement Levels
- Positively Influence Your Team’s Emotional, Energetic and Engagement Levels
- Positively Influence Your Team’s Grit and Willpower
Your Toolkit includes
- The Emotional Check-In For Increased Self Awareness
- Pattern Interrupts For Disempowering Thoughts and Emotions
- Neuro-Associative Conditioning Techniques
- Tools For Instilling Optimum Performance Thoughts
- Tools For Instilling Optimum Performance Emotions
- Superchargers That Increase Energy
- Effective Listening Techniques
- Detecting How Someone Is Feeling Through Body Language
- Using Positive Feedback To Increase Performance
- Strategies For Increasing Grit
- Breathing Techniques For Increasing Energy
- Strategies For Mini-Breaks At Work
- Strategies For Ensuring High Levels Of Engagement
The training doesn’t have to end after the initial delivery.
With every Leading Winning Teams training, you have several add-on options to increase the impact of the training. These options include:
- Access to Leading Winning Team’s Video On Demand Library
- Follow-Up Group Coaching Sessions
- Follow-Up Individual Coaching Sessions
Leading Winning Teams Also Offers a Special 3-Day Strategic Plan Workshop. This Powerful Workshop Will Guide Your Team To Create A Powerful Strategic Plan For A Fraction Of What A Large Consulting Company Would Charge You! Click Here For More Information